Pedro de Alvarado arrived in Guatemala in 1523 and the new territory was integrated 
in the Vice Kingdom of NUEVA ESPANA. In 1821, after the independence from 
the Spanish Crown, Guatemala was a part of Mexico. 

In 1839 the State of Guatemala has been created 
and in 1847 finally the Republic of Guatemala was established.

The collection comprises stampless covers, the first four issues of Guatemala and incoming mail.

Stampless covers with 10 difficult Spanish colonial period marks including the patriotic 
of king Fernando VII during the french occupation of Spain, and 14 republican ones. 

The exhibit includes a fine array 
of proof material with the original
projected die initialed by the engraver
plus other dies, trial and plate proofs.

Consisting of four values; 1c, 5c, 10c 
and 20c, the currency in "centavos".
The stamps were printed by the Government Mint, Paris.
The issued stamps represented
with the 1c in a block of 150, the 5c tete-beche varieties including 
a block of 6 with a tete-beche,

First Issue

the largest known used block 
of the 20c and the only known 
sheet of the 20c value.
The 1871 Coat of Arms issue also
include a fine array of imperforates.

The cover section include several
unique and rare frankings like the
three known 6c rate covers, the 12c
rate to Mexico, the 1c strip of 5 used
internally and the 10c bisect.

Two celebrated covers in this section
are the 20c block of 5 to England, the largest known franking and the 
20c error of color on cover.

Second Issue

Two values, the 4r and 1p, 
the currency reverting to "reales".

They were lithographed by 
Edward Matthews in London.

There are no known blocks of this 
issue and the largest known multiple
of either value is a pair.

The unique used pair of the 1p is shown while the covers include one sent to Acapulco, one with a pair of the 4r
and one with the very rare 
1 peso on cover.

Third Issue

The Allegory, consisting of four values, 1/4r, 1/2., 1r and 2r. 

These were printed by the Columbian Bank Note Company, New York. 

The exhibit includes a very rare die proof, mint multiples and usages of the 1/2r, 
one of the two known 1/2r complete 
sheet of 100, the only known 1r
complete sheet of 100,  a very rare 
mix franking of two issues on cover 
sent to Paris  and 2r  values 
on cover including 
a 4r rate to Paris.

Consisting of four values: 1/2r, 2r
4r and 1p. These were printed by 
A. Chaix and Co. Paris. 
The exhibit includes the wonderful
original drawing for the design, 
a wide range of master dies in various colours as well as finished die proofs, plate proofs and trials.
The issued stamps have the well
known imprint blocks, the 1p sheet
and imperforate pairs between, 
plus the only known
2r and 4r complete sheets of 100.
Fourth Issue
The covers show internal usages with single 1/2r and double 1/2r franking,
a 1/2r envelope to London with seven added 1/2r stamps, overseas covers
with various 2r, 4r and 1p franking.

The unique 4r bisect and a pair of 1p values on cover, the famous mixed
issue franking cover with the 1r of the following "Quetzal" issue and the 
part cover showing a 2r used in combination with a 1/- value from neighboring British Honduras. 

: Images reproduced from colored xerox copy of the collection.